Tuesday 10 January 2012

Stress Management

                                                       How do you deal with Stress?

Myself usually not very good. Even though my job can be a stressful and high paced place to be. To one person it could be more stressful then to another person. But yesterday I had to do something new. And it actually required a type of stress test. And it did frustrate me to the point where I wanted to pull my freaking hair out. But instead of doing unhealthy things I would normally do to alleviate the stress I changed my way of thinking. And sometimes I wouldn't even realise I did these unhealthy things till later.

I would normally eat fast food. Being addicted to it stress would defiantly would be a trigger. Instead I had 1 glass of red wine with a friend and talked about it.Now I know drinking isn't supposed to be good either. But it was only one glass not the bottle. Even though could have used one at that point.

Stress for me can burn me out. I work afternoon/evenings. So I stayed in bed a little longer then I normally would like too. But having a little extra rest really felt good.

When i did get up. I had Oatmeal with Honey 0% Greek yogurt. Fresh strawberries and I added a few slivered almonds for texture. I then puttered around for an hour and got myself ready to run a few errands.

I then went to the gym. I put on my Ipod and with some good tunes did my Run/Walk program. I would have never thought before how much better I felt as soon as I heard that music when I got on the treadmill.

I'm so proud of myself for dealing with stress in a healthy way. I didn't eat my emotions, I talked about them. Which is typically hard for me. To admit I'm human. Instead of binge eating and eating fat greasy food. I ate healthy food all day. I worked out and got the rest i needed. And even though in the beginning of my day I didn't really want to do those things. They really did help me to feel better. And even though it might be common sense to you. LOL Sometimes I need to be kicked in the ass a few times before I get it.

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