Friday 30 December 2011

Saying Good Bye to 2011

I know it isn't quite the New Year yet. But I thought I might take the time to recap. 2011 for me was one of the Best years I have had since I don't remember when. Even though I still had ups and downs. I made some changes, had some fun, rekindled old friendships. And learned a little about myself.

I had started 2011 with a BANG at the Casino with friends. Had a fantastic night. And decided that I wasn't going to have a New Years Resolution to be specific. More like a goal. To become Happier and Healthier.
And that I did. I said good bye to a toxic relationship of 6 years. And I lost 25lbs.
I also got a lot happier. I went to more parties and get togethers than I did in years. As my friends would say I put my Granny slippers away and joined the real world.

I even went back to something I loved, raising pigs. I hadn't done it in years. I learned somethings had changed. But I did so enjoy doing it. And I think my Grandad really enjoyed it.

The year continued by me really getting out of my "Bubble"  and going to The Cavendish Country Fest. With the greatest friends you could ask for.

And we made new ones while we were there. Even if they complained about the chicken being cold and things were hideous ;)
2011 was the beginning of something great for me. And I'm certainly going to continue it in 2012. Again not so much a New years resolution more like goals.
My goals for 2012 are as follows:
  • To finally kick my fast food addiction. 
  • To get fit
  • To get to a weight I'm comfortable with.
  • To focus more on what I want & need. And less on always trying to  please other individuals.
  •  To continue with 2011 goals of getting Happier and Healthier.        

Wishing you and all your family a Happy and safe New Years. And looking forward to starting a New Year.                                     

Thursday 29 December 2011


Well this week I tried something new. RPM which is a spin class. My friend Carrie talked me into going. I was very nervous to try this class. But I'm glad I went. So much so that I did it twice this week.

 My only issue with this class is the freaking Bike Seat. Could it even be possible for someone to create something that bloody pain full. I said to my friends and coworkers. In the infamous words of Snooki " My Coca hurts."

I have to say if I can get past the pain I get why it is such a popular class. You sweat mega! The tunes are awesome. And the Class was packed. I had a little issue though.

The gym chain I go to you have to sign for almost all of the classes. Which I don't have a problem with. To me that means you are guaranteed to get the equipment in class. So when I got upstairs there wasn't a bike for me. I had signed the list. So there was no way I was leaving. I drove a half hour to that particular gym. And I followed the rules. Sure enough their were two people who didn't sign the list. It got to the point where the Instructor had to go get the list.

Any way my rant is over and the moral of the story is. Just cause you are scared try it any way. Get out of your bubble. I know first hand it isn't easy. But you never know what will happen if you don't. My next scary adventure will be TRX next week. I'll keep you posted. :)

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Very New

Well here I am. I debated on doing this for some time now. I really would like this New Year to be really committed to Health and Wellness. Getting to a size I can really and truley be happy with. To actually put in the work and not just talk about it. Cause I have been told I do a lot of talking but tend to skip the important parts. So here I'm vowing to be open and honest. Even when it hurts and struggle with it. I enjoy alot of the Healthy Eating and  Exercising blogs.
Please feel free to follow my adventure starting in the new year. And hopefully you will get to see a recipe idea you might like or a laugh at my clumsiness as I'm trying to get fit.
:) Yours Truly Nyree